1-3 Bed systems (up to 6m)
Speed up to 6km
1 Camera per bed
Special narrow flat fan nozzles
Zero drift nozzles
Crop tracking side shift
Quick folding
Front mounted boom offers excellent vision
The Weed Wizard Agri is a tractor-mounted, intelligent spot spraying system for applications in carrot, leek and onion crops. It is equipped with a three-bed, 6m wide hydraulic folding boom and has 1 camera per bed for excellent precision in crop tracking.
With an operator friendly in-cab monitor, the Weed Wizard Agri is easy to use and has been proven to give great results.
To arrange a demonstration, please call us on 01353 862044 or email : info@techneat.co.uk
Crop specific - onions/leaks/carrots
Adjustable coverage
Definable weed size
Operator friendly
- In-cab monitor
Selective herbicide (compatible)
Hydraulic supply - 25 LPM (Constant feed)
Sprayer - 20 LPM @2Bar
12V Supply
Single spool valve for boom folding
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